Blog Tutor is now NerdPress!


I’m thrilled to announce that we’ve changed our name! No longer the boring, clunky, “Blog Tutor” — we’re now the hip, agile, (and ever-friendly) NerdPress!

I’ve been wanting to change the name of Blog Tutor for a long time — because it’s never actually been quite the right name.  My original plan was to create online courses to help bloggers… so the name was indeed accurate for what I intended to do (even if it wasn’t all that creative).  As I continued to work on hundreds of sites over the years, I noticed some patterns started to emerge. I recognized there was a different need in the community: Everyone needs help with very important aspects of managing their sites, such as backups, security, and updates. I like to say it’s the “unsexy” stuff that most people don’t want to do, but really, really need to.

From that our WordPress Support Plans were born. Our support plans have grown considerably over the past few years, and we’re now supporting hundreds of bloggers, publishers, e-commerce sites, small businesses, and non-profit organizations. In short, we’ve outgrown the “Blog” part of our name… and although we do have a tendency to “Tutor” our clients as we’re emailing with them, that’s not the primary thing that we do, either.

Our new name is intended to be friendly, approachable, and more flexible. (We’ve got plans to expand into other areas beyond support subscriptions…)

Why “Nerd”?

I like to think that there are two “types” of nerds in the world. The first is the one that will fix your computer, but also make you feel kinda crappy you even had to ask for help.

The second type of nerd will help fix your computer, and explain what they did and empower you to learn more and improve at the tech stuff, too. They’ll make you feel better about yourself (and your business), and help you grow.

So yep, we’re the second kind of nerd.

Why “Press”?

We work almost exclusively on WordPress-powered websites, so when my friend Ashley Koff came up with the name NerdPress, it was a perfect fit.  Although we don’t currently have any plans to do so, the name is also flexible enough to allow us to expand beyond WordPress in the future.

Is anything else changing?

Besides the name and URL (we’re now at, the snazzy new logo and design of our website (thanks, David!), nothing else is changing. We’re the same team of (proud!) nerds who will be helping you with your site and your business. 🤓

Please do note that our email addresses are changing — we’ll be starting to use from now on.  Don’t worry if you forget; we’ll forward incoming mail from the old domain to the new one, so nothing gets lost.

Onward to 2019!

Changing the name was my last, big 2018 goal (✔) — and I’ve got some other big projects planned for 2019 that I’m really excited about. So this is a wonderful way to close out the year, and launch the next phase of growth for our company.

I hope you like the new name as much as we do. Happy new year! 😃

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  1. Well done for getting the last of your big goals done before the remaining days of 2018 slipped away.

    And congrats on the new name, you make it seem cool. NerdPress FTW!

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